Lisa Bonneville, FASID, NCIDQ / Founding Principal

Lisa Bonneville founded Bonneville Design in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts in January 1981, after years of coursework in interior design and professional practice in Boston, managing a showroom in the Decorator Building on Boylston Street, a previous career in marketing and promotion in Minneapolis where she was the first woman hired onto a management team by Dayton Hudson Properties, and after receiving a BFA from Michigan State University and a Master of Interior Design Honoris Causa from the Boston Architectural College.
She completed interior design studies at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, the New England School of Art and Design (Suffolk University), and the Boston Architectural College before achieving professional certification from the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ,1989).
Bonneville heads this award winning independent interior design firm that has served a residential, corporate, healthcare and retail clientele. She continues to work with many of her original clients creating new “homes” for them, time and time again. Her inspired approach to the process of spatial planning and aesthetic impact provide fresh creative solutions on every project. She encourages collaboration within her project teams and improves outcomes by ensuring timely and transparent communication. This distinctive approach, coupled with a high level of organization and project management expertise, makes her a highly valued resource to her clients, vendors and colleagues in the trade.
Always a strong advocate for the physically and mentally challenged, Bonneville incorporates the standards of Universal Design into her project solutions and works with clients to heighten awareness of the importance of safety and mobility within the home while achieving optimum living environments for themselves, their family members and friends who frequent their homes. Her most recent work focuses on creating lifelong interiors.
“Aside from respecting her creativity and taste, I have always found Lisa to be extremely well organized, and totally reliable. She is a good listener, is always completely honest, professional and thorough, and I have come to trust her completely. She is full of common sense and integrity, and I have been pleased to watch her grow professionally over the years.”
Gloucester Client
To create an accessible world for all people.
To work in collaborative partnerships to create barrier-free accessible living environments that are stylish, comfortable and efficient and that support and enhance quality of life.

Service to Profession and Community
Lisa Bonneville believes that her practice endures because of her commitment to lifelong learning and active involvement within the profession she proudly practices and because of the community she is honored to serve. She is an active member in the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and has served on the Foundation Board; the National Board; as president of the New England Chapter Board; as chair of numerous committees; on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Technical Committee for Furnishings and Contents representing the ASID; and was inducted into the ASID College of Fellows in 2006.
Within the design community of Boston, she was voted onto the Board of Trustees of the Boston Architectural College where she served for seven years, two as chair, making her the first woman and non-architect in that position in its 120-year history. In November of 2008, she was inducted into the New England Design Hall of Fame and a tree was planted in her honor in the entry courtyard of the Boston Design Center. Today, she serves on the Advisory Council of the Massachusetts Interior Design Coalition (MIDC) for Licensure and on the Board of Governors of the St. Botolph Club, Boston.
As a business owner, she has locally served her community as a charter member of the ADA Advisory Council in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Mass. initiating the annual ACCESS AWARD that recognizes businesses that make their buildings ADA-accessible to the public. In 2007, Bonneville was designated by her colleagues as the Small Business Person of the Year by the Cape Ann Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce. For 18 years, she delivered Meals on Wheels to elderly shut-ins in her town of Manchester.
“We celebrate your talent and hope that you know you enrich our lives.”
Manchester-by-the-Sea Client